Happy new year!

“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.”
Carl Jung

It is always interesting to notice how we all have an impact on each other, whatever our reaction might be. And I feel so blessed and touched by all the wonderful person I have met and I meet.
I do feel transformed and I wish for all of us a year of transformation.

According to the French tradition, we have until the end of January to give our best wishes for the coming year. And I believe that every year, we reflect of what we have done, and how we can do better and improve during the following twelve months.

Maybe some of us have seen “Happy new you” all over the internet. More than becoming someone new, we hopefully change and grow. So once again, I wish you a year of transformation and if possible of moments shared that makes us reflect on what we truly and deeply desire and want to achieve.

Community is everything

Community is everything. I truly believe that we connect and create communities among the people we know.

So how do we define a community? I mean how do we define a community on a relational point of view? Is it only about sharing or having certain attitudes and interests in common?According to McMillan and Chavis, the sense of community can be defined as “a feeling that members have of belonging, a feeling that members matter to one another and to the group, and a shared faith that members’ needs will be met through their commitment to be together.”

We somehow all create our own communities. They meet our basic human needs for
love and belonging, respect, structure, involvement and ultimately, meaning. Having had the chance to live in different countries, I have build what I have called “my tribes” in those different places. I am indeed always keen on connecting people and sharing moments or knowledge.
I want to keep on building a community wherever I live. Lately I have tried to gather all the wonderful persons I get to know, trying to link those persons and enlarge this community. I am convinced that it is an ongoing process based on:

  • Caring and supportive relationships
    Those relationships rely on the values of compassion, understanding and respect. They are grounded in attentive listening and trust.
  • Positive and high expectations
    This allows me to highlight strengths and assets as opposed to problems and deficits.
  • Opportunities for sharing and meaning
    A community is based on gathering people that share common interests, even passions like yoga. I know that I always create international gathering, sharing moments of I hope joy and laughter.

Where are your communities? Where do you belong? What do you get from it?