Ethics, Yoga and Max Strom

“Our battles are not fought by challenging others to change their beliefs or behavior; rather, our own personal behavior is all we really have power over in the end.” ~Max Strom from A Life Worth Breathing

What is Ethics? And how does it relate to yoga? 
Ethic are defined by “the rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or a particular group, culture, …”

I feel blessed as I had the chance to attend Max Strom trainings and workshops. I have been greatly influenced by his teachings and his kindness.
Basically Max ask us to define our code of Ethics.
What are the virtue that are important to us and how do we integrate them in our daily life.

When I think of yoga, I believe that yoga is rooted in ethics, namely kindness, respect, honesty, gratitude, discipline and integrity.
And that every yoga studio and every teacher will behave with integrity, competence and respect.
With more experience, I realize that, yoga being an amazing tool of transformation, I have probably have had too high expectations about any persons involved in the yoga business.

What I want to share is that everything lies in the practice.
May it be the physical practice of yoga which is a great start,  meditation, or eventually the code of conduct that we define for ourselves. What is important is to choose a code of ethics and to follow it with all our heart, revising it on a regular basis, so that we can stay authentic and true to ourselves.

To help you do that, I strongly advise to read Max Strom’s book: “There is no app for Happiness”. It simply guides us to define ourselves by what we stand for, instead of by what we are against.

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